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My name is Alder Fuller. I reside (for now, says the nomad) in Eugene, OR, North America.

My formal educational background: BS, Biology; MS-1: biological systematics; MS-2: probability theory & mathematical statistics; Ph.D.: Ecology & Evolution (UNM, 1990). After finishing university, I taught for 7 years at an Albuquerque, NM community college (in biology & mathematics), then part time for one year at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, WA.

My two current professional educational projects are Euglena Edu (Euglena Education, LLC) & ProtoTista, an emerging nonprofit alternative education organization. Both projects are devoted to teaching & studying the sciences & mathematics of complexity - specifically self-organization, emergence, symbiogenesis, chaos theory (nonlinear dynamics), fractal geometry & Gaia theory (AKA geophysiology)- & their relevance to life on Earth, most nobably global warming & climate change, which I think are developing into one of the greatest challenges that humanity has ever faced.

The home page for both projects is http://www.prototista.org.

I am most interested in contributing to Wikipedia articles on complexity, Gaia theory, chaos theory, biology, symbiogenesis, global warming & climate change.